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GUEST,Geoff the Duck Tech: Win XP SP3 anyone? (19) Tech: Win XP SP3 anyone? 25 Jun 08

Just looked at the Microsoft manual downloads site and it lists Widows XP Service Pack 3 as a download. It says a lot of it is just a catch up on the routine patching of security flaws in (almost every part of) windows, but it claims to add some extras as well.
Further checking says it was released a couple of months back but hasn't been included as part of the Automatic Updates system, but is likely to be during July.
There is info on MS's web site and I expect I can find stuff out by trailing through the Techie web, but I thought I would ask if anyone here has already installed it, and does it cause any problems with your system?
Is it a run and forget, or does it alter anything significant, trash useful non-microsoft programmes (or even their own), interfere with your daily running of your computer etc...
Are the "extras" good, bad or indifferent.
Thanks in advance.

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