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GUEST,Baba Why are Americans so fat? (176* d) RE: Why are Americans so fat? 03 Jun 00

Thank you Bill D. For years, since I was about 11 years old, I have attempted to explain to others why I abstain from eating meat. I think I do have the BBES ("Big Brown Eyes Syndrome"), apart from not acquiring a "taste" for meat when I was growing up. I suppose I am a visual person - can't help seeing the dear little animals in their former frolicking glory as their naked bodies grill and sizzle.

*Sorry to those of you who might be eating dinner*

Vegetarian eating for me is a habit, and it is something my body thanks me for each day with its good health and natural energy.

I hope one day that all the pressure to be thin, the fad diets, the damaging guilt and the feelings of inadequacy will disappear from this strange social construct we call "the Western World". Many people are walking around feeling disgusted by themselves due to the materialism of this culture.

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