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Pixie how do I write love songs? (68* d) RE: how do I write love songs? 09 Jun 00

To Callie: Glad you like Spirit of the West! They have a number of cd's out, and the one you are talking about is none other that "Save This House" (song/cd of same name). Originally the band started with 3 guys who played celtic-based music (Geoffrey's originally from Scotland), but the band expanded, one of the first guys left, and after "Save This House" the band turned to the more "alternative" side. Lots more electric, drums, etc. Linda McCrae left the band a few years ago, and I haven't heard much from them. If they come to Halifax, Nova Scotia, they usually play at the University. John Mann and Geoffrey Kelly are excellent song writers! Check to see if they have a web-site and maybe you can order some of their older stuff (Tripping up the Stairs, Old Music).

Also a fan...Pixie

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