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irishenglish BS: VP Debate Entertainment (82* d) RE: BS: VP Debate Entertainment 03 Oct 08

While Palin did better than I expected (If looking down at ones notes constantly while Biden was talking counts), she had no knockout. Neither did Biden which leaves us with a debate where very few people will have had THIS debate change their minds. I know they will try, but I don't see how the Republicans can say that Joe Biden lost somehow. They can complain about the policies, etc, but Biden did not lose, and in fact, finished very strong. His emotional moment was not calculated for sympathy, it was very clearly honest emotion, even 30 years after such a tragedy. Palin on the other hand, constantly changed the subject, most often bringing it back around to energy, even if the topic had nothing to do with it. Biden I think missed one possible moment. Palin kept harping on, you Washington insiders, thats not how I would do it, I'm not an insider, etc, etc. What Palin fails to understand is, if she did become VP, she becomes Washington, just like the rest of them. You may jump from Alaska to Washington, but in so doing, you join the crowd. McCain is no maverick in that sense either-he knows the Washington game. I thought Biden could have adapted that more cleverly than I just did as an attack on her.

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