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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
irishenglish The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.) (1465* d) RE: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.) 21 Oct 08

WAV, this was one of your responses to Don's excellent post.

" Blaming affirmative action for their not having gainful employment and thus having to live off their unemployment checks was a very convenient excuse for them to sit at home and watch soaps or spend their days hanging out at the local coffee shop or bar." (naive Don)."

Why is that naive? That absolutely has happened. You who only visited America wouldn't have a clue about that anyway, so why don't you take Don's word for it. Most people want to work, and most people don't want handouts. Something Ruth said as well that I think is important. In a difficult time, you take ANY job you can lay your hands on, be it washing dishes or working for McDonalds. Its soul sucking, but its also money that you need. Or you work 2 crappy jobs, or even 3 jobs. My wife has done that, living in her own place, supporting herself, living off of ramen noodles and peanut butter, but she did it. Your ad infinitum excuses grow wearisome simply because you seem either incapable, or unwilling to do much other than blather on about top line cittern playing country dancing. In every thread you have begun, verifiable proof from multiple sources have proven you wrong in your thinking. Ruth is correct as well when she says that piece of paper you treasure actually means much. Sure, it means you had an area of focus that you took the time to complete, but every thing else after that point comes from you-you have to find and get yourself a job. If you wanted a guaranteed job you should have skipped the courses and did something that, as here in the states, leads automatically to a job, like police or fire, or some medical jobs.

Your manifesto which you cling to as if it were a life preserver while adrift at sea is wearisome. You seem incapable of fully elaborating and elucidating your reasoning, which is why you resort to the same quotes, time after weary time.

What I really think WAV is that you should stop finding blame in life. Stop compaining about how what you think of as folk is not "proper" folk because of one thing or another. Stop blaming other people for your difficulties in getting a job. Stop blaming people for misunderstanding you, when you really don't do a good job of explaining yourself without resort to repeating yourself.

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