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GUEST,Suffolk Miracle Not the Usual Christmas Songs (79* d) RE: Not the Usual Christmas Songs 17 Nov 08

Since you are in East Anglia what about a fine example of Christian love at Xmas in Essex?

In Essexshire it happened so
A man went out all for to plough,
As he was ploughing along so fast
Up came sweet Jesus himself at last.

"Oh man, oh man, why dost thou plough
So hard upon the Lord's birthday?"
The farmer answered him with great speed,
"To plough this day I have great need."

His arms did tremble through and through,
Until that he could no longer plough.
The ground did open and he fell in
Before he could repent his sin.

His wife and children are out of place,
His beasts and cattle now all are lost.
His beasts and cattle they die away
For ploughing on the Lord's birthday.

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