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GUEST,JimmyC Lyr Req: Gary Owen (not the old one) (61* d) Tune/Chords Add: GARRYOWEN 05 Jul 00

I have tried to list the chords from Molly Bawn that I am sure is the tune for Garry Owen. It's a fairly lively tempo: 6/8
         D                                     D
I can hear those Sioux bucks singing, Sgt. Flynn.
I can hear those tom-toms ringing, Sgt. Flynn.
D A7
I can hear those Sioux bucks singing,
I can hear those tom-toms ringing,
D A7 D
But they don't yet know the tune to Gary Owen.
The notes are as follows: Full notes underlined, half notes in upper case and quarter notes in lower case. Does this make sense?
  Oh come listen to my story Molly Bawn
D e f F F f F e d F A-----

For I'm bound for death or glory Molly Bawn
F g A a G a B a f A C-----

For I've listed in the army
A a D d d e c C c

Where no more your eyes can harm me
c B b b B c b A

For they'd kill me while they charm me molly Bawn.
D f A a A# a C b g E D---

Lord, I hope this works.


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