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GUEST,skarpi at work BS: Marching Orangemen (58* d) RE: BS: Marching Orangemen 13 Jul 00

Hallo all, well I have been writing The path to peace and It seems to me that there´s not gonna be any peace in N-Ireland for the years to come. I started singing a few weeks ago a song called " Sing Irishman Sing " I was hoping that the folks in N-Ireland would sing this song and be happy , I was wrong.

Could it be possible that if the British army left the N-Ireland for good,would the IRA then return their guns? Can´t the orange walk around their own neighbourhood? Why selebr, some awent that happent so many ages ago which cost so many lives?.

well those are my thoughts at the moment, but I hope there will be peace in N-Ireland.

All the best skarpi Iceland.

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