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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Pigstrings Blatant publicity for the Pig's Ear Ale (140* d) RE: Blatant publicity for the Pig's Ear Ale 21 Apr 09


- Tickets are cheaper if you buy them in advance but you can get them "on the door" (well, from the tent) from Friday onwards.Info on
- Nearest station is Cowden - about 1.5 miles from the Kentish Horse; small station in the middle of nowhere and no transport there. If you don't want a hike carrying your stuff, get the train to Edenbridge Town and take a taxi, it's only a ten minute journey.
- I'm afraid Edenbridge is the nearest source of shops - nothing in Markbeech. But the Kentish Horse will be serving food all weekend (I think they're doing breakfasts again, will check).
- You can bring your own drink on the campsite, but not on the festival site as it's in the pub garden, and it would be rather rude to our hosts at the Kentish Horse who let us take over their place for a weekend. So in the marquee, garden and bar, drinks bought from the pub only, please.
- Stoves and BBQs are no problem.
- The campsite is accessed through the pub car park. There's a water tap and there will be loos.

email if you have any other questions.

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