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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Michaela Sex and the folksinger (73* d) RE: Sex and the folksinger 27 Jul 00

I have to point out that reed players (and horn players) always have a puddle of cold spittle on the ground underneath their instrument, and there is usually a stream of it dripping out of the bell, and more often than not, you pipers have a bit of it dripping and drooling down your face and dripping of your chins--and your old faces are usually somewhat purple due to the double reed that you're puffing on--

If you banjo boys want to get a little more attention from the lassies, take a word from me--keep your chins up when you play--when you shove your right shoulder up and your chins down to look at your fingers, and it gives you more chins than my fat old Grannie.

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