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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Keef SunCube Fiasco (163* d) RE: BS: Keef tries to stop Scammers down under 12 Jul 09

Thanks Micca.
Don't know how the confusion could have arisen!
My friends (very few) call me Keef
I call myself Keef Wivanef cos it's much easier to say.
I made a promise to Greg Watson that I would follow him all over the internet and expose his scam.
I succeeded beyond my imaginings.
Watson sucked in a major USA company which is now the subject of a court action alleging inside trading and stock manipulation.
All caused by the evil scheming of the mad professor Mr Gregory Watson.

Shareholders RIPPED OFF

Along the way I stumbled across lots of other companies running similar scams.
They are all preying on the good nature and technical naivety of "green investors"

Here is the latest BULLSHIT from Watson

GGE has placed the largest CPV industry order to date for 105 MWs of Emcore's world leading 1,000 sun concentrator cells to support our worldwide SCIG licensees and to build SunCube™ Energy Farms around the world. GGE have increased our CPV 1,000 Sun CPV receiver orders on Emcore to 215 MWs or 6.2 million 1,000 Sun CPV receivers in total.

Emcore provides the world's first 20 year CPV receiver warranty for the GGE SunCube.

SunCube™ International Group (SCIG)
With our current round of SunCube™ patenting activities shortly coming to a close, GGE will again be in the position to initiate discussions with interested parties which wish to visit GGE in beautiful Adelaide, South Australia and investigate joining the SCIG group of international SunCube™ licensees.
Licensing opportunities can include JV's, distribution, assembly, manufacturing rights or any mix.

License entry point is US$25,000 for 5 SunCubes™ installed and commissioned on the Licensees site by GGE. In addition GGE provides 1- 2 weeks of on site technical training, information transfer, local market analysis, etc to assist the new Licensee moving into the next Distribution stage.

The SunCube™ International Group (SCIG) is currently composed of 9 companies which have secured SunCube™ rights in many countries. For more information about becoming a part of the growing SCIG organization please click here.

ES System

Energies AC Gava

Square Engineering
Sri Lanka

Zolar Distributors
New Zealand
South Pacific Islands

License agreement in place, company to be announced
USA East coast
Virgin Islands

License agreement in place, company to be announced
USA West coast

License agreement in place, company to be announced

License agreement in place, company to be announced
All of the countries of the former USSR
All of the countries of the former Yugoslavia

License agreement in place, company to be announced
All the rest of Africa, excepting South Africa and the countries adjourning the Mediterranean Sea

Complete and utter BULLSHIT!!
He has only got three dollars to his name, and he bludged that off his neighbours.

Suncube, sunpubes, sunsneekers.....It is all BOLLOCKS.

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