So what happened next you ask? To explain that, I'm afraid I'll have to start from the top.... Very quick version. I saw the new SunBall, SunCube thingy back in about 2006 Oooh that sounds nice I said and placed my order. I was so impressed that I even replied to his "positions vacant" advert on the website. After a whole lot of excuses and BULLSHIT from Greg Watson I started my internet campaign to expose the con. I used several nom de geuerres, dogshitontoast, keefwivanef etc etc. I PROVED that it is a scam and uncovered a whole can of rotten maggots in the green energy industry. Shit hit fan, many millions of dollars wiped off the share value of companies connected to Watsons scam. Did Watson say thank you? No I am afraid not. What he did was to publish my real identity (gleaned from my ordering a SUNCUBE and asking if I could have a job pretty please) His crony Brad Ross then published my life history inclding every thread that I have posted to on the MUDCAT. That was in an attempt to silence the messenger. Now I don't know about you guys but I think it is pretty low down dirty act for the CEO of a Gazillion dollar SCAM to dredge through all of my harmless if eccentric musings on the mudcat. As I say so often to Mr Watson SCREW YOU WATSON............ YOU ARE A DEMENTED SCUMBAG GO AHEAD AND SUE ME I DARE YOU!!! Otherwise I may just have to have a go at you for invasion of privacy and libel. WHERE IS MY FREAKING SUMMONDS WATSON?? Legal action against Keith Leech 31-Jan-09 07:48 am GGE and myself personally are initiating legal action against Keith Leech (Keef, Rover, ect, ect, ect, ect.......) for libel, slander, defamation, for seeking to profit from causing GGE, the SunCube, our SCIG licensees and others a loss of income plus other claims for damages and loss. Keith, this is not a threat. It is reality and we have more than enough proof to file both civil and criminal charges against you. Better enjoy the surfing while you can. It may be a very long time until you see the surf again. BTW we have a LOT of money and the top trial lawyers who just love WINNING this type of action. No Free Lunches Keith. Time to pay. Come to think of it, we might just ask Emcore, their directors and shareholders to join / support us in this action. If anyone, who is / was an Emcore shareholder and believes their investment in Emcore has been / was damaged by Keith Leech's unfounded comments, wishes more information about joining GGE in our Australian actions against Keith Leech, please email me. All the best, Green and Gold Energy Pty., Ltd Greg Watson, CEO 7 Provident Avenue, Glynde, 5070 South Australia, Australia, +61 8 8365 5844 He says a bad bad thing!! YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MIND WATSON But wait ...there's more!! EFFECT OF CLOUD COVER ON CPV 7-Jul-09 07:54 pm My friend Watson would have us believe that even in Northern European countries and Scotland! "CPV can really kick butt"" Ahem!! Power fluctuations caused by cloud cover Posted by: "Manu Sharma" saysmanu Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:33 am (PST) A recent Carnegie Mellon study on The Character of Power Output from Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Systems found power output fluctuations of PV systems caused by cloud cover a significant characteristic in US. Since cloud cover affects concentrated solar power even more significantly than flat panels, it will not be an easy problem to solve. Greg has mentioned in the past the various systems he intends to put in place to address this, such as, round the clock weather monitoring and standby generators. While that may well be right path to pursue, from the complexity and the scale of the problem it appears to me that it will not be 2-3 years before we get remote generation working reliably. Excerpt from the study follows: "The intermittency of large-scale PV power for four sites in the American southwest desert is significant, even during daylight hours. These data also imply that site diversity over a ~280 km range does not dampen PV intermittency sufficiently to eliminate the need for substantial firm power or dispatchable demand response. The high correlation between geographically dispersed arrays may indicate that high, widespread clouds are responsible for a portion of the intermittency. Observed rapid and deep fluctuations at time scales of 10 seconds to several minutes may indicate that a component of the intermittency is due to low, scattered clouds with significant opacity. We observe a number of examples of output power rising above nameplate capacity before and after deep drops in power. This may be due to focusing of sunlight around the edges of low clouds." Username: ceicpaper Password: EnergyResearch --- Greg Watson wrote: > What unpredictable 200 MW fluctuation? Not with our visual cloud predictive technology that > gives well in advance of 1 hours notice of output variations. BTW Nemmco, the Australian > national grid controller, dispatched generators (turns them on and off) on a 5 minute basis to > match generation with load. > > Greg Re: Power fluctuations caused by cloud cover Posted by: "Manu Sharma" saysmanu Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:07 am (PST) From: Dave Kimble Greg That's dodging the question on a technicality of wording. The point is, if you might or might not be producing 300 MW at peak time next Wednesday doesn't the grid have to have 300 MW of spinning reserve ready to cope with that ? A gas turbine or hydro could respond in time, but they have to have that infrastructure in place, fuelled up and maintained, without much opportunity to recoup costs, and hence an expensive standby option. Greg, That's exactly my point. Unless you have energy storage, any standby generation capacity would only sit idle at the time of clear sky. I'm also not sure how these generators would deal with intermittent supply during the cloud cover. See graphs in the paper I originally cited (username: ceicpaper, password: EnergyResearch). Btw, I find it interesting that within two days your technology to warn grid operators of an impending cloud cover doubled its warning time from 30 minutes to 1 hour and got a name too. "Visual cloud predictive technology." Manu Rating : (5 Ratings) You have rated keefwivanef View Messages Ignore User Report Abuse Re: EFFECT OF CLOUD COVER ON CPV 7-Jul-09 08:01 pm Hows that smear career you have as a reverse salesman aimed at denigrating CPV going Keef? Rating : (3 Ratings) You have rated unenergy73 View Messages Ignore User Report Abuse Re: EFFECT OF CLOUD COVER ON CPV 7-Jul-09 08:08 pm Darb ouy knaht llew yrev gniog s'ti. SUNPUBES IN SCOTLAND...yeah right!!