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Paco O'Barmy Review: MacColl Celebration Salford (62* d) RE: Review: MacColl Celebration Salford 31 Oct 09

Yo Ladies,
          I have had quite a battering though PM's as you can imagine, which I have replied to. My point is a serious one, although I have shot myself in the foot because of my own flippance, but, here goes - Ewan could and should be a benchmark/source for all things to do with a different way of thinking in England. My grandfather knew him through the Salford Workers library.
          He has left a massive canon of music/plays/political thought etc. But my grandfather ended up in a tank in France, Ewan didn't! So his whole record ( in my mind )is compromised because he had feet of clay! Unless someone, somewhere can clear up the war years!!
                           Steve Rollinson

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