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C Stuart Cook Sting on BBC TV (57* d) RE: Sting on BBC TV 05 Jan 10

Well after all the comments I finally got round to watching it on Iplayer. THat's what happens when you're snowed in and not inclined to do the jobs the bosswoman wants doing.

Very interesting, certainly makes me want to take in the end product. As a "how do they do that" it was interesting. I see what some peoples grouses were and wouldn't disagree with them but what I saw I liked.

However at the top of it all my first thought would be that Sting is a classic case of "knows the words, doesn't know the song". When you've got all that talent and excellence on the music front I think the vocals needed to be at least rising to the the same levels. As it was he gets nowhere near, too straight up and down for me despite his efforts.

I would suspect that the root of that stems from his arranger who seemed to be totally lacking in the subtlety of the base folk music when he does his directions early on in the proceedings.

Better than nothing though.

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