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Sailargh DT Attribution & Minor Corrections - recorded msgs (361* d) RE: DT Attribution & Minor Corrections PermaThread 13 Jan 10


Thank you for taking on this endeavour of tweaking the marvellous resource we share.

filename[ ANTARFLT
as found at:
seems to be lyrically correct given it's a transcription from memory. They aren't as finally published by Harry, however it does say his lyrics evolved over time. The attribution however confuses the two Harry Robertson. Both are of Scots origins which doesn't help.

Harry Robertson 1923-1995, wrote this. Lyrics and correct song titles are available at this relatively new site for his material.

The HR referred to incorrectly in the song attribution was a psychologist who in 1950/51 shipped out as medical officer on one of the last UK pelagic whaling expeditions to the Southern Ocean. This H.B. Robertson wrote the book Of Whales and Men, published 1954.

I read his book some years ago on the recommendation of Pat Thompson mentioned as one of the singers.

Thanks, John
- who had confused these gentlemen with each other some time ago himself

J.D. Erskine
Victoria, BC

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