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EnglishFolkfan French naval songs c.1760 (26) RE: French naval songs c.1760 11 Mar 10

Les I was initially confused as to which Foudroyant it was! Thought about posting this historical info earlier but didn't consider it relevant but may be of interest to someone:

Royal Navy Museum:

HMS Foudroyant and HMS Trincomalee

HMS Trincomalee (ex 2nd Foudroyant) Now restored in Hartlepool where she remains. Lived there when they finished HMS Warrior restoration & she went to Portsmouth but the Borough Council bought this hulk to keep the apprentices & crafts people in work, is 2nd oldest ship of her type in the World. Was tremendous success imo as led to the creation of the marina & museums + Tall Ships restoration centre.

HMS Trincomalee 1817

also: named for the one in the song.

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