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EnglishFolkfan Weak Breathy Girly Vocals in Folk? (245* d) RE: Weak Breathy Girly Vocals in Folk? 27 Mar 10

Hi Guest RBotob

The fact that some of the females in my list are very young may account for what you call a 'girly' tone to their voice, better described as 'fresh young' imho, but I thought this thread was about 'breathy girly' which is a different sound and I don't think any of them come across as that when singing live.

Hope you do enjoy listening to their output & I think you will find there is a vocal maturity developing with some of them. In Hannah's case she can get a tiny breathless when live but that is only when she's done a fantastic step dancing piece in the middle of the song ..... catch her as part of Kerfuffle on Youtube to see what I mean.

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