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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Pigstrings Pig's Ear Kentish Horse Folk Ale 2010 (353* d) RE: Pigs Ear Kentish Horse Folk Ale 2010 09 Jun 10


I doubt there would be a lot more there on Thursday by making that session an official part of the programme, it just means we're better geared up for those who are.

If we do get lots and lots of people we might consider hiring the village hall across the road for a ceilidh, thus easing the pressure on the session.

Feel free to nitpick (as long as you don't mind if we choose to ignore you!). No point planning for an extra day if no-one really wants it. We always have a post mortem as part of the planning for next year. So I want to know what y'all think.

Having said that it WAS a brilliant weekend and I will pass on all the votes of thanks to Gina to make sure she knows how much we all appreciate her. TKH could very easily become someone's country retreat and be lost to us all if she didn't run it as a successful business. Think on this next time you pull a face at the price of a chip butty....


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