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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Charles Tsai Chin recording-I went to school in Cheltenham (7) RE: Tsai Chin song 'I went to sc 14 Jun 10

Re:School in Cheltenham / Tsai Chin

Hi Roger, I can only help you be confirming how difficult it is to track down a recording of this wonderful song.

I am rather concerned that my searches have become obsessive as I have comprehensively searched the 'net, including a considerable number of torrent sites and even Chinese sites. (I had to enlist the help of a friend to read the pages to me!)

As I write there are three copies available from a site called Music Stack. They seem to be in different states of repair and start at just over six quid:

But now it is a Point of Honour to lay my ear on a recording on the 'net. I'm not giving up and will be pleased to let you know when I have tracked it down.


June 2010

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