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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Joe Offer When will Mudcat clean up its act? (225* d) RE: When will Mudcat clean up its act? 06 Aug 10

I thought this thread was "deja vu all over again," but I couldn't find the previous discussion until just now. You'll see other threads on the subject in the crosslinks at the top of this thread. We came up with the PG13 tags in the Bawdy song thread. We were not able to get a permanent, cookie-enabled PG13 block, but we did work up a filter that will do the trick. If you are on a computer that blocks you from Mudcat because of profanity, Google Mudcat FAQ and go to the FAQ page. I added this to the first message of the FAQ in 2005.

The Filter

(searching by thread title)
Toward the top of the
Mudcat Forum main menu (click here), you'll see a "filter" box - put an appropriate word in the box and set the age to whatever is appropriate to cover the period you want to search. Click the grey "reset" button, and all threads with that word in the title should appear (a "thread" is a series of forum messages, posted on a specific topic). Here's a filter box you can try:

Filter Age

Filter Out Help

Note: The forum menu is set to display all threads for which messages have been posted in the last 24 hours. If your thread has disappeared, please don't start a new one. Just use the "filter" or "search the forum" links on the main forum menu, and pull your thread up and post a new message in that thread - that will bring your thread up for another 24 hours. Your new message can be just the word "refresh" if you have nothing else to add.
If you're viewing Mudcat from work or a library or another location that has a "profanity filter" on its computers, you may not be able to view our Forum Menu if we happen to have a so-called "naughty word" in a thread title. We've tried to tag these titles "pg13." If your profanity filter blocks your access, try putting pg13 in the Filter box and check the "filter out" box.

 "Filter Out" Filter:

Filter Out

Or as a link you can bookmark:

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By clicking on the Thread Name, you will be sent to the Forum on that thread as if you selected it from the main Mudcat Forum page.
   * Click on the linked number with * to view the thread split into pages (click "d" for chronologically descending).

By clicking on the Subject, you will also go to the thread as if you selected it from the original Forum page, but also go directly to that particular message.

By clicking on the Date (Posted), you will dig out every message posted that day.

Try it all, you will see.