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GUEST,Beryl Origins: In Chinaland there lived a great man (64* d) RE: Lyr Req: In Chinaland there lived a great man 11 Aug 10

This is the way I grew up knowing the song from my mother, but I'm not supposed to sing it for my grandchildren because it's so racist:

Oh, in China once there lived a man
His name was Chickety Chickety Chan
His nose was lont and his feet were short
And this is the way the poor Chianman talked:

Oh, oh Chicka Cha-lee Cha-lie Cha-low
Checka la romi in a banana ga
Walla ga walla ga
Can't you see?
In a bananaga wow chee ow

This old Chinaman had plenty of wealth
He lived in a mansion all by himself
The neighbors next door
They bought him a boat
And in it they set the poor Chinaman afloat


This old Chinaman was doomed to die
And in his coffin he did lie
They sent the coffin to Japan
And that was the end of the Chinaman!


I would love to know more verses
And in they set the poor Chinaman

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