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leeneia2 BS: Vicious USA attack on Canadian Culture! (107* d) RE: BS: Vicious USA attack on Canadian Culture! 14 Aug 10

The catter formerly known as leeneia is now leeneia2

Okay, guys. I watched LH's video and caught on that it is a parody of 'American Idiot' by Green-, um a band called Green Something.

Let me tell you that I pay absolutely no attention to rock music. Never have. I have never (to my knowledge) heard a number by Pink Floyd or REO Speedwagon, Motley Crue or U2. Never watched, either, of course.

So tell me something. Is the video of Greensomething doing the song 'American Idiot' a parody? I refer especially to the guitarist doing the splits and jumping in the air as he plays. Or is that how rock actually looks? Help me out here.

Gotta tell you that the Canadian guys look a lot cuter and more approachable than the Green- guys.

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