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Lin in Kansas Winfield 2010 - Walnut Valley Festival (49) RE: Winfield 2010 - Walnut Valley Festival 20 Sep 10

Home again! Camper's parked at the curb; think we'll wait for daylight to put it in its proper spot.

Another Winfield--what else can anyone say. Had tornado warnings and heavy rain the night after Land Rush. A bunch of canopies and small tents at the West end of the Pecan Grove torn up (lots of white sticks along the road the next morning), but the center of the Pecan Grove didn't seen to have the same problems. Hot and muggy for days after that, and YES, muddy in spots too. Didn't bother the campground pickers however, and the workshops and performances went well.

I made the mistake of dragging my feet past the McSpadden booth, and succumbed to a serious case of DAS (or maybe it was just lust, I'm not sure). I now have a gorgeous new walnut McSpadden teardrop dulcimer (pictures to be posted soon). Winfield 2010 photos will be on Smugmug as usual--we'll post a link when I get them on line.

John's washtub bass made yet another trip to the road. He came back to camp one night without it and said he'd abandoned it to a group of bass players on the street. They played the heck out of it for a long while, but wheeled it back to our camp before the sun dawned.

Nice visiting with Uncle Phil and wife Michele, and got to jam a bit with them today. Gary T. dropped by one evening--apparently he went to the Dark Side (West Campground) this year! Al and Barbara, we missed seeing you. Camp Nowhere and Next to Nowhere were in their usual spots, though.

Once again, Winfield was lots of fun. Glad to be home, but already looking forward to next year!


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