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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,josep Stop shoving Justin Bieber down my throat (73* d) RE: Stop shoving Justin Bieber down my throat 28 Sep 10

The point of that long, rambling post in which I admittedly got lost myself was that the clean-cut teen star image has its roots in racism. It has a dirty history. It's a holdover from a soulless, uncaring recording industry that will do anything for a buck.

It is foul, crass, commercialism and not to be trusted nor encouraged. We deserve the celebs we get just as we deserve the politicians we have. If you don't like it, you have to change it. If you just shrug and say it doesn't bother you then really why are you here? What have you to add that we haven't heard a thousand times a day in every form of newsmedia blaring it in our faces?

If it doesn't bother you, good for you. But it sure as hell bothers me and I'm going to say what I think of it. Remember that old saying that evil triumphs when good folks do nothing. Well, that's happening right now. I'm sick of the apathy. If you're not bothered--go home!

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