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GUEST,josep BS: Has Afghanistan become another Vietnam? (98* d) RE: BS: Has Afghanistan become another Vietnam? 30 Oct 10

The idea that the Afghans deserve to rule themselves is laughable as anybody who goes to the Middle East for any appreciable length of time learns. It isn't really a country, it is a conglomeration of armies which are each a conglomeration of tribes and they all advertize for some outside force to finance and equip them so that they can blow the others away. As for corrupt govts, it is also laughable that the US is responsible for that. No matter what govt is established there and no matter who sets that govt up, it will be corrupt. It is impossible for there to be anything but a corrupt govt in Afghanistan just as it is impossible to rule Iraq democratically.

We keep insisting that these are rational people who want the same things in life we want. BUNK!! I don't know what it is they really want in life but I know this: It is NOT the same things we want. They look upon us with the deepest of contempt and could care less about us--we are less than nothing to them. If we all died today, they would dance in the streets and it has nothing to do with our meddling over there. That's what people like Little Hawk don't understand. "Oh, if we only treated them fairly, none of this would be happening." Yes, it would. You don't know what kind of people we're dealing with over there.

They are not rational and they have no concept of fairness. Corruption is a norm and an entitlement and pacificism is a contemptible weakness that they will take as an opportunity to exploit and destroy the people who practice it. This idea that they only want normal lives and peace is ridiculous. They do not. That is why they don't have it. No need to make it harder than it is.

I'm not saying that it's ok to do anything we want to over there only that this idea that we are somehow the Great Satan destroying their idyllic lives is an utter absurdity. Go there and you will see for yourself who is destroying their lives: THEM!

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