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EnglishFolkfan when is the Clog/Folkdancing on BBC4 (72* d) RE: when is the Clog/Folkdancing on BBC4 03 Dec 10

A positive write up on the BBC Programme with photo:

The Guardian Thursday 2 December 2010
Clog dancing's big street revival
Britain's cottonmill workers used to dance it. Then it became a mark of shame. Now clog dancing has returned to where it belongs – the streets

"People forget that clogging was originally a street dance," Connolly says. "It was competitive, it was cool, and now young people are beginning to rediscover it for themselves. As soon as we finished, I had kids coming up to me saying: that's sick – I want to do that. Clog dancing's sick!"

Clog dancing's big street revival

(ps for us old foggies "sick" is the new variant of good/cool/awesome ;)

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