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EnglishFolkfan Jools Holland Hootenannay 2010/11 (90* d) RE: Jools Holland Hootenannay 2010/11 03 Jan 11

2 reasons why I didn't watch BBC One England for seeing in the New Year: Jools Holland + pre-recorded.

Watched BBC One Scotland live on Red Button, Hogmanay is what the Scots do well. Then BBC Alba Ceilidh na Bliadhn' Uire 2010 (Hogmanay Ceilidh 2010) from iPlayer.

JH's presentation skills have always annoyed me so I watch any show he does from iPlayer or record to fast forward to the acts I want to see. Seems to me BBC One England ie London centric need to make the decision on whether real Hogmanay should be shown from BBC Scotland on BBC One & alternative new year musical fluff be offered elsewhere on Two or Four.

New Year greetings to all on here, may the music you like flow bountiously in 2011 and delight your ears.

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