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GUEST,Graham Bradshaw Folkweave radio show from the bbc (53* d) RE: Folkweave radio show from the bbc 04 Apr 11

I don't think Frances actually produced the Jim Lloyd prog, although she certainly did produce some of the 60s/70s shows like Folk on Friday.
By the time Jim was doing Folk on 2, Frances was Controller of BBC Radio 2, and not producing programmes.

I know that Geoffrey Hewitt was producer from early 80s, as I had a lot of dealings with him during that time. There was an EBU (European Broadcasting Union) committee for folk music on the radio in Europe. Geoff was the BBC rep and I was rep for the IBA (Independent Broadcasting Authority) representing the various commercial stations which at that time had folk programmes. We actually produced several programmes under the auspices of the EBU, which were made available to all the member stations for broadcast. One of these was an In Concert of Relativity (John & Phil Cunningham plus Micheal & Triona O'Dhomnaill).Still have the tape somewhere I think.

Geoffrey remained as producer until the prog was privatised and farmed out to Smooth Operations, which I think may have been late 90s (anybody remember?). As I remember, he took retirement from the Beeb soon after, as did Jim Lloyd.

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