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GUEST,oldvet Lyr Add: The White Buffalo (from Rin Tin Tin, 1955 (30) Lyr Add: THE WHITE BUFFALO (from "Rin Tin Tin") 07 Aug 11

For those asking about the song from "Rin-Tin-Tin", as sung by "Lt. Rip Masters" (James Brown) to "Rusty"; here are the words:


I have heard many stories, from an old Indian friend
And this is my favorite, even though it has no end.

There's an old Indian legend I was told long ago.
It's about a special valley and the white buffalo.

There are few who have seen him though they've looked high and low,
For the trail is long and winding to the white buffalo.

BRIDGE: The legend says you'll find him if your heart is brave and true,
And you treat all men as brothers no matter what they do.

I have searched for that valley since I started to grow.
I won't stop until I find it and the white buffalo.

For I know it's right to find the white buffalo.

NOTE: You can see and hear on YouTube at:

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