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Often Rebecca Fox CD: Opinions and Commentary Request. (38) Opinions and Commentary Request. 17 Oct 11

Hello! I am about two posts shy of being a completely and utterly new member here, so first of all a very warm greeting to everyone here (guests and all).
I think for many of us we find Folk Music through many paths. In my instance however, I have more or less married in to it. My partner is a singer, and I am inclined to think a rather gifted one. (bias fully admitted).
In any event she has been singing since she was a little girl, and has certainly been active in playing at as well as hosting and helping organize folk events in her community (West Midlands-Worcester area), but had never put out her own CD.. and being maybe a little too humble for her own good..never thought anyone would be interested.
Well to make a long story short, very soon she will have a self produced CD out.
Would the people here be willing to check out and give their thoughts and opinions on a few things..

1. The songs/performances themselves (there are two examples)
2. The look/function/appeal/etc. of the website.
3. people/places/sites that might be keen on it.
4. Other advice/commentary/opinion that you feel is relevant/constructive

Ok here is the website:

Rebecca Fox Music Website

Sorry for a bit of a longish post. Your thoughts/advice/help is
VERY much appreciated.


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