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Often Rebecca Fox CD: Opinions and Commentary Request. (38) RE: Opinions and Commentary Request. 17 Oct 11

"Loved the singing - Rebecca's certainly very talented - and the recordings sounded well produced. Would have liked a little taster of each track if I was a prospective purchaser."

I love Rebecca's singing too!! She had a bit of help with some post production but push comes to shove everything you hear is Rebecca, including the recording.

As far as teaser tracks, I think those or a couple of full tracks, but not sure if both. My thinking is that two full tracks should give an idea of what Rebecca's music is about, as most of the songs should be familiar to a folk crowd I'd think. No?

"Web page is much too wide. It's about 1520. I can read this without horizontal scrolling but a lot of people will not be able to (and a number of those who can will find this width uncomfortable).

Drop this so it will all fit at 1024."

Well I know very little HTML and even less CSS and even less still PhP, so I am using a website creation program (WebPlus). It works with fixed widths, so I targeted (or at least thought I did) for 1280x800 as from what I was reading is actually becoming more popular than 10245x768. That being said, I think I need to size it down to fit usable space and not just absolute space. (accounting for search bars etc.)
I think at least. I'll play around with it a bit. Might even make an alternate version for smaller browsers..

As for the CD itself Rebecca is expecting to flog them to the hordes at her folk club sessions and the odd gigs she does, but do you think there might be a market online for her?

I am thinking that her voice might appeal to people who might not normally find folk appealing, while still not alienating the true blue of the folk music crowd. Am I off base on this?

..and again thank you!!

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