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Often Rebecca Fox CD: Opinions and Commentary Request. (38) RE: One Star Awake: new recording from Rebecca Fox 27 Oct 11

"I do hope you get lots of sales. From my own experience of producing my own (and other people's) stuff, you just have to be patient in these things and let time take its course.

I think she has an excellent voice but if I'm honest, it's not my cup of tea. I've had a good listen to the videos on the website, on more than one occasion, and I find it all a little too 'churchy' and a little too full of echo for my taste. I also like live music and recordings where there's a bit of 'character', a bit of 'edge', almost a bit of 'rough'. Difficult to describe, really. But then you see, I'm knocked out by American singers like Memphis Minnie and English singers like June Tabor - to take just two at random. Music with guts.

All of which does not detract from Rebecca's talent - musical taste is a very personal thing, and you have to find the right people whose tastes match yours! Mine is just one person's viewpoint.

One final piece of advice which may or may not be welcome: it's very obvious that you adore both Rebecca and her music. Don't let that adoration blind you to a sensible and realistic view of the marketplace and the commercial practicalities. The music business is a funny old business, and it's not always the good, the loved and the beautiful who go places! :-)"

I think that is all very sound advice, but if we cant get to where we are going as who we are, then we don't want to be there. What's the point if only some construct based on yourself gets to enjoy it?
While yes we would hope this would do well, there is certainly no desire for fame and fortune.

I just think her music deserves a chance to be exposed to the world. Come what may of it.

Patience is of course a difficult thing to maintain..

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