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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Often Rebecca Fox CD: Opinions and Commentary Request. (38) RE: Rebecca Fox CD: Opinions and Commentary Request. 07 Nov 11

"Is Mudcat the place for this endless self promotion?
To try and keep jumping this to the top of the thread list is tedious to say the least."

Well self promotion would be my own music, which this isnt.
As far as jumping to the top of the thread list, I was asked to keep it all to one thread by the powers that be.
Other than that it is a chance to listen (like it or not) for free. How on earth is that a crime?

Rebecca has been making music since she was a young girl, and for most of that time it has been trad folk music, and she sings at and helps run sessions every week at cost to herself, never mind for free, and supports other local musicians and local folk culture and so I don't see how it should be an issue that she has an album or that her partner might want to draw attention to it, so people can listen and even possibly (God forbid!) buy a track or two or even the whole album?
I mean really now,are you only legitimate as a folk artist if you never make a penny? If you don't like her music, that is fine, and I am sorry if me supporting my partner offends you, but with all due respect please get off your high horse.
and as I said, the whole thing is there for free.
I'm not trying to pick a fight here, I just want to be treated fairly and with common decency. Is that a fair request?

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