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3refs BS: Old Stuff - No Longer Good (49) RE: BS: Old Stuff - No Longer Good 08 Mar 12

I didn't read all of the responses, but I read enough to get the drift. After my Mother passed away at 93 in 2009, my oldest brother took over the abode, and then he died 2 years later in October 2011 My other brother died in Sept 2010. So, items and "things" that go back to my Mother's Grandmother are now in my basement(not the china cabinet though). She was not a hoarder, but there were things that she just didn't want to throw out! Like the receipt for the ambulance that took my father to the hospital when he died in 1963! Pictures of family from the early 1900's that I know and remember many of them well. Much of it is worthless, while some of it is priceless!

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