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ChrisJBrady Guitarist's Revenge / United breaks guitars (107* d) United Airlines Smashes Guitar - Payback 21 Apr 12

From: ausfolk(at)folkalliance(dot)org(dot>au

Subject: What to do if the airlines refuse to pay for your damaged instrument!

One Dave Carroll recently had difficulty with United Airlines who apparently damaged his treasured ($3,500) custom Taylor guitar. Dave spent over 9 months trying to get United to pay for guitar damage caused by baggage handlers. During his final exchange with the UA Customer Relations Manager, he stated that he was left with no choice other than to create a music video exposing their lack of cooperation. The Manager responded: "Good luck with that one, pal."

So he posted a video on Youtube. The video has since received over 6 million hits. United Airlines contacted the musician offering settlement in exchange for pulling the video. Dave responded: "Good luck with that one, pal."

Taylor Guitars sent the musician 2 new custom guitars in appreciation for the video's product recognition which has led to a sharp increase in orders.

Here's the video

cheers, Kate Maclurcan
Two threads (2009 & 2012) combined. (And 3rd party e-mail address obscured.)

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