It must be real, I've seen the video GIVE US ALL YOUR MUNNY! ALL THESE PEOPLE BELIEVE IT...SO SHUT UP KEEF That nasty GLOBAL OIL CARTEL is trying to suppress it Crewton Ramone's Blog Of Math, July 7, 2011 6:06 AM The silence of American Media is again a tell tale sign of whom it is that controls the media and whom it is that benefits from the media and it is not the American people. They have done a fine job of keeping this information from the people with every manner of distraction. It is such a threat that they don't want ANY attention placed on it not even negative attention because even negative attention is still attention which could lead some to look further and realize just how BIG this is. Cheap energy is the ultimate game's up to the blogosphere to spread this information at the grassroots level. This will have two fold effect, not only will the information spread but the MSM will be further exposed as the servants of the banksters who own big oil and nuclear power which are the mainstay of the energy establishment. Soon they will be unable to ignore it. Meantime, use their silence to your advantage.