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GUEST,Gibsonboy Sunjay Brayne in Poole free gig (128* d) RE: Sunjay Brayne in Poole free gig 10 May 12

Big Al, When I hear people using language like "teenage sensation", "playing old guys can only dream about", "deprived and cheated of the being the greatest folk muscian", etc when the reality is that he is just an average picker, (and if he's honest he would agree with that), grates with me a bit.

Sunjay, I have been watching Folk Blues guitarists for over forty years, not only in the UK, but in its own back yard the USA, and in that time I have gathered a pretty good understanding of what Folk Blues Fingerpicking can be, so I'll take no lectures from you.

I will wait with interest to hear your new CD, hopefully it will define what you are, and help you evolve as a player and performer.

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