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Continuity Jones Sunjay Brayne in Poole free gig (128* d) RE: Sunjay Brayne in Poole free gig 12 May 12

I just watched a Youtube of John Drain, mentioned above. Very funny, like that guy from Level 42 playing slap bass blues. It seemed the ultimate in style over content - extremely quick, extremely showy, but ultimately rather pointless. It got me thinking about impressionists. Mere vocal impressionists - your Rory Bremner and such - they're seen as being just that - impressionists. But stick a guitar in their hands, all of a sudden they expect to be taken seriously as a unique creation, or at least, their own thing, something new. But they're just impressionists. Pretending to be John Martyn or Robert Johnson or whoever. And often they are taken very seriously, as we all know. Rory Bremnar's never been asked to form a government though, has he? Maybe he should pick up a guitar.

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