"Not only that, because I'm an anti-royalist, I hate charities or something, at least according to Teribus" - Steve Shaw Care to back that up with any quote from anything I have written that even remotely suggests that - or are you falling back on the old trick of putting words into my mouth then acting like the victim to take me to task for them?? Occasions where Charity has been raised by me: 1: "How much did you raise for Charity??" 2: "As far as Charity goes you give what you give - well done. The fact that you cannot put a figure to it indicates like most you just throw a few coins or possibly notes into collecting tins every now and then. Collectively the members of the Royal Family give their names, time and money to over 3,500 Charities." Ah - and here was your response: "Well there's a nice spot of prejudice for you. You haven't the faintest idea what I give or how I give it (though I will declare that I don't stuff money into rattled tins). You disagree with me so you automatically suppose that I don't give. Actually, giving to charity is hardly what this thread is supposed to be about. I'm not about to tell you or anyone else what I give, to who and how. I might well be an atheist but I'm very Jesus when it comes to this. And, as with the taxes the royals so valiantly pay, what they give to charities is only money that they have no moral right to." Pssst Steve the bit there picked out in Italic bold is the point that you attempt to put words into my mouth and attribute to me a view I do not hold. "What they give to charity IS ONLY MONEY they have no moral right to" - Really?? They give quite generously of their time as well and through their Patronage they have encouraged others to raise hundreds of millions of pounds to help those who need it.