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GUEST,Teribus BS: Wonderful Jubilee celebrations (427* d) RE: BS: Wonderful Jubilee celebrations 15 Jun 12

Those taxpayers were people who had paid their taxes to the Exchequer and believers in the capitalist system who knew damn well that everybody would lose everything if the banks had been allowed to fail.

Besides I do not believe that the money put in was a gift - Now tell who will get it back when it is repaid - individual taxpayers or the Exchequer.

We are right back at the beginning of your nonsense about the Royal Family costing the taxpayers of the UK millions they don't, just in the same way the taxpayers of the UK did not lend a brass razzou to the banks, the Government did after you had all paid your taxess to the Government - you have no say whatsoever in what they spend it on - they decide that for themselves. Possibly one day that will sink in.

Mind you had you been a believer in that "communist" lunacy we would have all gone bust, having endured a life of poverty, about twenty years ago. Ask the Chinese how "Capitalism" is working for them - the answer you will get back will be, "Very nicely thank you".

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