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GARYD Lyr Req: Yodeling Songs (53* d) LYRICS: YODELING SONGS 29 Jul 98

Hello again!..It's been a long time..glad to be back..

I recently saw a great documentary on yodeling a few weeks ago as a tribute to Patsy Montana. The songs I heard were by Swiss style yodelers fom New Glarus Wisconsin, and the great country yodelers Elton Britt, Montana Slim (Wilf Carter), Jimmie Rodgers, and others.

I yodel at local jams, & have lost the words to those songs I heard years ago. If any of you could give me lyrics to the following, I would appreciate it. I searched DT & no luck... Thanks..P.S. Thanks to you guys who set up DT..I downloaded It with my Mac & it's wonderful, complete with the sound!

Lyrics needed for:

Sleep Baby Sleep...Jimmie Rodgers Waitin' for a train.. same Blue yodel no 11..... same My little old home in New Orleans.. same Sadie..... Montana Slim or Elton Britt She taught me to yodel...? My Swiss Moonlight Lullaby..Montana Slim Rocking over River.. Les Wilson.

Also: Anybody ever been to New Glarus Wisconsin for Chees Days?...Where abouts is it?... I live in MN & would be great fun to visit... Thanks, Gary

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