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ChrisJBrady BS: Olympics - London's Shame (206* d) RE: BS: Olympics - London's Shame 24 Jul 12

We went to Brighton and Eastbourne at the weekend. It was nice to see the draconian rules about not featuring the rings being broken albeit in a small way. In Eastbourne the promenade gardens had the Olympic rings clearly picked out in a flower garden display. And in Brighton there was an amazing cake display clearly depicting the Olympic rings.

BUT - just as in London we found no buzz or razzmatazz or excitement about the Olympics. There were no Oly flags, bunting, or displays. Even 'statues' of the two 'turds' (Oly characters Wenlock and Whatever) were absent. Everyone was more interested in the sun, sea, shop and beaches - mainly all being there on holiday.

As I have already opined - its as though the Olympics are being held in another country altogether - even if this is up a 'no-go' area of the East End of London.

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