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GUEST,Teribus BS: Where now Thatcher haters? (453* d) RE: BS: Where now Thatcher haters? 17 Aug 12

GUEST - 16 Aug 12 - 07:54 PM

Yep, you got me there. Thanks for the correction.

I am assuming that the "GUEST" here is Steve Shaw not wishing to lose "street cred" by admitting in person that he was in error.

Dave Hanson - 17 Aug 12 - 05:20 AM

Musket, Teribus is well known for being a long standing Thatcher apologist.

Dave H is of course in error Musket Teribus is well known for challenging the many myths, misrepresentations, half-truths and downright lies trotted out regularly by the rabid left and champions of "socialism - as practised" who will do anything other and cast blame on anyone rather than admit that it is normally the ones they support that keep dumping us in the shit, as lately demonstrated by such scions of "Labour" as Blair & Brown - Oh I know they weren't real socialists, but there again after each and everyone of them fail that is always how they are described - doesn't alter the fact you all voted for them time and time again does it?

I cannot help but being mildly amused by "champagne socialist" Musket with his wine cooler holding serveral bottles of champagne no less. Must have developed a taste for it whilst working for the Union eh?

Of course the Unions in the UK needed taking on after almost a decade of holding the country to ransome and contributing to the destruction of our industrial base. Thatcher was the only politician in the country to provide the leadership to do it - and for that to her I am eternally grateful.

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