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GUEST,bec How did you find Whitby folk week (125* d) RE: How did you find Whitby folk week 15 Sep 12

re. tides and Regatta.
The locals don't think it is anything to do with the tides. Races are often finished the next week.
People letting accomodation are annoyed because they can easily let out two weeks, it is impossible to fit everyone in to one.
Thoughts are that it is when the Red Arrows are available!

We always enjoy Whitby - though there are always hiccups.

Strange, hardly any of you memtion dancing - both ritual and social, workshops and dances and ceilidhs. Probably healthier than sitting still in pubs! It is all wonderful. Only problem is not being able to do it all, too many clashes in the programme, oh, and needing ear plugs for the Spa at night.

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