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GUEST,Georgia aka Tracy Betancourt Whatever happened to Terrea Lea (25) RE: Whatever happened to Terrea Lea 20 Sep 12

I started working at the Garret in 1961 as a dishwasher and soon moved up to waitress...Suzanne amd I were the only waitress for a long while.
I spoke with Terrea just recently...She is now in her 90s' and she lives in Vista, California. I started to go down to see her but only got as far as Los Altos to see Joan Baez. The California roads are in really bad condition...really bad! I'm from Oregon and was sorry I didn't see Terrea but glad to get back to Oregon where the roads and traffic are so much better. She attended the Unity Church for a long while and probaly sang there...I would think but don't really know.I have 3 of her albums, "Terrea Lea at the Garret", I got it while I worked there,"Conversations With The Heart" and "Terrea Lea self Titled". There used to be a Garret Web site but I haven't checked for it lately, I bought a coffee mug from it, it has a picture of Terrea playing her Guitaron it. The mug is white with a black & white photo...really nice! I was going to have her personally sign it and my one album that is not signed the other two are, if I had gotten there for my visit.
I think I'll check to see if the Garret web site is still up...
Hope some of this answers a few questions some of you have re: Terrea.
I slso have the CD but don't think they picked her best stuff. "Maria" was favorite and she did a better version of "The First Time " than Roberta Flack did.

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