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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
ChrisJBrady Sam Larner on the Beeb (1967) (21) RE: Sam Larner on the Beeb (1967) 08 Dec 12

To listen or download anything on the Beeb iPlayer overseas in Ireland and the USA etc. you need ExpatShield (or equivalent) - this fools the Beeb server(s) into thinking that you are in the UK. It assigns a UK IP address to your computer.

Then you can use get_iplayer to download Beeb video and audio progs, and RadioDwnloader to download Beeb radio progs.

RadioDownloader also handles podcasts for all sources (you don't need ExpatSheild for these). I use RD to download podcats from the NZBC, fRoots, etc.

Files shared in Mediafire should be available to anyone anyway. Its download functions are a bit clunky, and you need to accept its cookies. Its interface is based on Flash Player so you need the latest version from Adobe.

Its worth seeing what is on - membership is free.

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