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GUEST,KP BS: Big snow forecast for New England-Fri (140* d) RE: BS: Big snow forecast for New England-Fri 27 Feb 13

Just back from my first visit to Canada, ski-ing at Mount Tremblant in the Laurentians. I must say the climate was quite an eye-opener for us Brits, even the Scottish party! We didn't get heavy snow-falls (there was plenty there already) but temperatures of -20C are pretty bracing! Apparently in January it had dropped to -35C, which with the wind chill was close to -60C! I asked one of the resort workers what he wore on days like that and he said 'seriously, everything I own'. Later in the week we heard the forecast for somewhere down on the St Lawrence - 40 cms of overnight snow, 30 the next day, and 70 kilometre winds. That sounds like a good time to stay inside.

Meanwhile back here in Edinburgh the sun is shining, and Stornoway in the Hebrides has reached +12C!

good luck to any of you suffering from really bad weather -KP

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