To be fair Michael, my first draft did include religious art and architecture. My appreciation of Westminster Abbey or staring at Botticelli is no less of an experience just because I dismiss the supernatural dimension and instead marvel purely at the skills of the artist as a human. Art is no less wonderful if it happens to be diabolical. William Blake being the example that comes to mind. I am irreligious yet hairs stand up at the back of my neck when I have been fortunate enough to gaze at some of your examples, or when listening to Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring in a church during a concert. (We are lucky around here with concert availability) but at the same time, a relative who smiles too much and plays drums at his "church" on a Sunday wouldn't know a Picasso from a Giraffe's arsehole. Funnily enough, if I were minded to join the club, I would struggle to find a real church with just organ, King James words in the prayers and Wesley hymns. I am sure I would settle for nothing less (or, Clapton forbid,) more..... On a similar note, I don't share McColl's rose tinted views on travellers, but have been known to sing Freeborn Man because it is a beautiful song. I go to see Dick Gaughan too for his wonderful guitar and complimentary gruff voice, but let the hand wringing messages wash over me.