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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted Lyr/Chords Req: Fare Thee Well (Bob Dylan) (13) RE: ? 27 Mar 97

I'm looking for the version of "Fare thee well" by Bob Dylan (actually most of it was ripped off from "the leaving of liverpool") but most importantly, I'm also looking for the Chords. (as I said in my earier message) if anyone has thes, it would be most appreciated. It was also done by none other than pete seeger on the "carnegie hall" 1962 double album.

and it goes a little somthin' like this (hit it)

Fare thee well my darlin' true
I'm leavin in the hour of the morn.
I'm bound for the bay of mexico,
or maybe the coast of californ'
and it's fare thee well,
my own true love.
We'll meet again another day another time.
it's mot the leavin'
that's a grievin' me
but my darlin'
whose bound to stay behind.

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