Subject: RE: BS: US Government shutdown From: akenaton - PM Date: 02 Oct 13 - 06:28 PM GUEST squeezer....I certainly think that a nationalised health service, free at the point of delivery is an excellent concept. The point I am making is, we as a society do not deserve such a concept, and are unfit to safeguard it. Look at this thread, how left and right dislike one another, how they are divided over irrelevancies instead of fighting the real enemy which is the whole political and economic system. We are ruled by money, our value is weighed in money, without money we are worthless....and yet "intelligent" people still talk as if we have "equality" or anything resembling "equality" Grinshka is correct, we should be uniting to form a new less money orientated society, the alternative being decades of stagnation and a couple of generations of kids with no purpose in life. Until our living standards fall so low that the system judges that we are worth exploiting again! At least the Tea Party folks seem to be in the mood to contemplate change, probably change that we on the left will not begin with... but change we must, for the money and jobs have gone for good. Global Capitalism is cyclical, we have been near the top of the cycle for a hundred years, but Global Capital moves on to new exploitations, we have become redundant, along with our kids and grand kids......and do you think any of the political party's really care? As long as they can divide and rule they are happy.....and our masters are happy, for the more deeply we are divided, the more easily they can squeeze the blood from our bodies, cut our living standards and render us an ineffective lumpen mass. *************************************************************************************************** YUP! But at this point, I would also like to say that I have renewed confidence in the president that he won't give in this time. He cannot, should not give in to these cold hearted bastards who don't care if people drop dead on the street.